Organ Plushies with Five Star Reviews
As a small business owner, I take the time to read all our customer reviews and get feedback on our organ plushies. But when reading customer reviews, I have to grab a box of tissues because I usually end up in tears from all the amazing, heartbreaking and personal stories you are generous enough to share with us.
Maybe you or your kiddo has diabetes, scoliosis or colitis -- their days are filled with doctor's visits, blood tests and uncertainty. Having a stuffie to bring along to the clinic or surgery can bring a small comfort and help visualize that body part well again. Maybe that's my woo-woo side, but you guys tell me this all the time, so I believe!
The stuff y'all live through is truly inspiring. And being on your health journey by your side (in the form of a plushie, of course) is a special honor for us. A plush toy won't cure cancer or solve your medical problems. We wish it could. But it can bring laughs, comfort and soft support during tough times.

Being human is hard. Joy and laughter are one way we make our way through life itself.
Sometimes our body parts don't work -- but having a brain or uterus or kidney you can hold can be weirdly helpful.
Feeling helpless in the face of endless medical tests, doctor's visits and stressful procedures for yourself or a friend? Bring a gut with you to dialysis, infusions or chemo.
Send a highly specific, extra-heartfelt colon care package gift to a friend going through a medical rough patch. You'd be surprised how much a small gesture will touch your friend's life.
Gifts for your medical care team are also a fun and funny way to say thank you for a procedure well-done! Our customers often buy themselves two plushies -- one for themselves and another for their doctor!
You'd be surprised how a small gesture of thanks from a patient -- just a little doctor or nurse gift so say "thank you" -- will go a long way.
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