Here's another quiz for ya -- what's your favorite slogan to go with our new eyeball buddy? I'm torn between "Easy on the Eyes" and "Party Pupil in the House" -- what do you think? Look At This!survey software
Here's another quiz for ya -- what's your favorite slogan to go with our new eyeball buddy? I'm torn between "Easy on the Eyes" and "Party Pupil in the House" -- what do you think? Look At This!survey software
Here's another quiz for ya -- what's your favorite slogan to go with our new eyeball buddy? I'm torn between "Easy on the Eyes" and "Party Pupil in the House" -- what do you think? Look At This!survey software
I voted party pupil even before I read it was one of the ones you were torn between! But I like easy on the eyes, too!!! xoxo
we the pupil agree!
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