Calcium and Bones!
Bones do a lot for us. Without them, we would probably look like blobs and have to roll around to get places. Our muscles wouldn't be very effective, either.
Besides structure, the bones do even more. Along with our teeth, bones hold 99% of the calcium in our bodies! Calcium is pretty important because the body uses it to keep our blood from getting too acidic. Here's how: when there's too much acid floating around in your blood, calcium gets pulled out of your bones to neutralize the acid. That calcium then ends up in the urine and is flushed out of the body.
For more reading about calcium, diet, and bone health, here are a couple links:
See what Harvard has to say about dairy.
Great article on acidity, calcium resorption, & diet.
A nerdy, scientific article from the American Society for Nutrition.
All about Calcium, Dairy & Osteoporosis from the American College of Nutrition.
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