Uterus Plush

What is better in life that a uterus plushie you can hug or punch? As everyone's first home, the uterus is truly the coolest organ (sorry brain and heart!) with special superpowers all its own.
Best of all, our uterus plush has posable action fallopian tubes you can arrange to match your mood. PMS-ing? No problem, this uterus will snuggle you until you feel better! Ready to take on the world? This uterus is ready to conquer just about anything.
If you need to explain any "parts" to anyone, there is no better prop than a smiling uterus plushie! Kristen Bell used ours on a recent eye-opening episode of her fabulous show Momsplaining, where she went over Vagina Myths with Ellen Show executive producer Andy Lassner and OB GYN Dr. Sherry Ross.
Just as you have your pick of shoes, spatulas and pencils on Amazon, we know you also have your choice of five-star uterus plushies on Amazon these days. It's all good. You can love more than one uterus! Just as you may have more than one stuffed animal, you can have more than one stuffed uterus. We promise we won't be mad. Maybe we were the first plush uterus, but certainly aren't the last. And like with all firsts, hopefully you remember your first plush uterus with special fondness in your heart.
Of course our plushies do come with an awesome educational hangtag packed with graphics, nerdy jokes and fun uterus drawings. Our love and enthusiasm for this mother of all organs is palpable on every page. As a mom myself, I am in awe of everything the uterus does. Also, not to brag, but our uterus is the only one handmade in an ethically certified factory.
As the Original Plush Organs, we have an awful lot of offal organs on offer! If you're looking for MORE than just a uterus plush, we have a wild array of gynecological gifts -- ovary, placenta, vulva, cervix and breast plush-- ready to make any labor and delivery nurse, pregnant mom or OB/GYN smile.
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