Gutsy Events

dcondate_thumbGutsy handmades will be at a coast near you very soon. This weekend, visit our custom yoka at the adfunture/DKE Toys art show at DesignerCon in Pasadena tomorrow, Nov. 21. The other yokas are about a million times cooler than the one I made, so you won't be disappointed. Take a look at the amazing creations that will be on display at DesignerCon. I Heart Guts will also have three felt brooches at the Luv-able Hug-able show at Gallery Hanahou in New York, so check 'em out! The theme this year is "Medium and Mini" -- aka small, affordable and recession-friendly. The gallery also has a ton of our regular guts for sale on consignment, so if you're in New York and need guts, this is the place to go. The show opens Dec. 3rd and runs through January 9th.

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