You Can't Take the Tooth

Folks have been requesting teeth lately, so we are working on a special tooth pin -- let us know which phrase is your fave to go with those bicuspids and we'll put the winner on the packaging. Personally, I am stuck between "Flossin' Ain't Just For Gangstas," a ridiculous slogan we love submitted to us ages ago by a hilarious dental student, and "Tell Me The Tooth!" Pick your fave and may the tooth prevail.

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  • gutsy

    you can’t handle the tooth
    the tooth shall set set you free
    tooth and consequences
    the tooth is out there

  • gutsy

    tooth or dare!

  • Amanda

    Flossin’ ain’t just for gangstas, fo shure!

  • gutsy

    OK Cuspid
    cuspid’s last stand

  • gutsy

    tooth, justice, and the american way

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