You Can't Pick Your Brain

As the saying goes, you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose...Here's something new to add to that laundry list of dos and don'ts -- don't pick at your brain. A recent New Yorker article about itching details the case of a woman whose head itched so much that she picked right through her skull and into her brain. Eggghhhh. Even when they severed the nerve to that part of her head, the need to itch continued. Pretty fascinating stuff. And gross, too.

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  • Morgan

    I love your site, and having stumbled across your blog it’s only extended my love for ya!
    I’ve given your site a warm gutsy shout out on my website, love the stuff!

    Who knew that a brain could be as cute as that picture? :P

  • iheartguts

    awww, you’re the sweetest!

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