Worth it?
Have you ever thought about selling one of your kidneys on the black market?
You probably remember hearing about the kid who sold one of his kidneys so he could afford an iPad in 2011. Today there's another kid who just sold his kidney - for less than the going rate! Apparently it suddenly became urgent for him to pay off his video game debt. Seems like he could have come up with ~$3200 in a less drastic way. But then again, teens have a less than matured Pre-frontal cortex in their brain.
Fun Facts:
Iran is the only country where selling one's own kidney is legal.
O- blood can be donated to anyone!
Organs you can live without: Spleen, Gallbladder, Appendix, Intestines, parts of Liver (it can regrow), and reproductive organs. You could also argue that you can live without eyes, ears, or nose- but it depends how you define Living!
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