We Are Blushing

Plush Organs Original FounderThank you so much, Threadless, for including us in your International Women's Day feature on artists you should know! We are flattered and honored as there are so many amazing women artists on the platform. Here's what we talked about:

You describe yourself as “anatomically obsessed.” What started this obsession? Have you always been curious about the inner workings of the human body?

Well, I have always been a huge nerd. Ask anyone I went to school with. Art and science were always my favorite subjects; I was either doodling or dissecting worms and frogs. Being nerdy is cool because it just means being interested in stuff. The human body is especially interesting because we all have one! For me, art and science are close to my heart because both help explore the world around us.

The story behind your award-winning plush organs is as inspiring as it is heartwarming (pun intended). What is your favorite organ and which makes the best cuddle buddy?

Ooof, that’s a tough question! That’s like asking me to pick my favorite child! But if pressed, the uterus plush is my favorite. This organ is everyone’s first cramped home, you know? No matter who you are, you got your start inside a uterus—that’s pretty amazing! As far as cuddles go, our penis neck pillow is very snuggly—it’s just such a supportive pal! How many penises can you say that about?

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Like so many other parents, COVID-19 has thrown my work life into turmoil. I have kids at home and it’s been hard to find time for work and creativity. Lately, I’ve been taking our anatomy infographics—like “How Your Thyroid Works” or “All About Ovulation”—and turning them into prints, blankets, and tote bags on Threadless. It’s fun for people to have a little anatomy lesson on a cuddly pillow, and it helps breathe new life into old artwork!

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