Why bother letting someone pee in the woods when you could make a product for it instead? Enter the Uro-Club, a
portable urinal disguised as a golf club that was developed by a urologist who, we guess, likes to play golf and pee privately. We saw this unusual item on the
Shark Tank season finale, where the guy was looking for some capital to get the pee iron off the ground, so to speak. Golf courses are not short on shrubs or trees -- why is this thing necessary? Ask yourself, as a man, what's more awkward -- sneaking off to a nearby shrub, or whipping out a plastic tube and putting your junk in it in front of all your buddies? Just tell 'em: "
No, no, I'm just golfing under this towel." But peeing on the green doesn't get publicity, or make a great golfer gag gift, so maybe this will help this Florida urologist retire early. When the portable toilet disguised as a golf bag is coming out, my friend
Simon wants to know? That's gotta be next.
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