I Spleen You!

Anybody out there tired of the heart as Valentine's Day's official mascot? Ever wonder why not the brain or pancreas? Tell us what organ should replace the tired ol' heart for Valentine's Day and why and the best answer wins a fun box of gutsy treats! Post your reply here or on the I Heart Guts Facebook page by Feb 9th!

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  • Kyla S.

    I will have to (back)side with the kidneys.
    They are the epitome of a valentine organ, glands down. Those vulnerable little guys hurt most when you get stabbed in the back, much like love itself. They almost look like little sideways hearts, working as a loving pair to carry out several functions. They filter the blood pumping through your body, making it as pure as your love for another. They excrete urethra and ammonium for when urine love. They even reabsorb water, amino acids, and glucose, from all those chocolate covered strawberries you’ve been sharing.
    You can’t live without your kidneys, just like you can’t live without love. However, you can literally say to your loved one that you would give them one of yours. Giving away hearts is messy.

    So this valentine’s day you can say, “Can’t you spleen, I lung you and i can’t stomach the thought of being apheart. I care if you liver die. So I’m not kidneying when I say, take my kidney and be mine.”

  • AK

    The pituitary gland!

    What is love without the rush of cortisol, that sweet, heart-fluttering, finger-tingling moment you know you’re past the point of no return? Or love without the afterglow of oxytocin, that deep knowing feeling that you’ve found the one you can never let go, or the sense of pride and affection as you gaze at your newborn child? Love, like pituitary hormones, is essential to growth and development (Growth Hormone, TSH), to the very cycles of waking and sleeping (ACTH), desire and contentment(MSH), the possibility of new life (FSH/LH). Love is nurturing (prolactin, oxytocin), love is daring (TSH), love keeps you grounded and in check(ADH). Love is constant and in flux, a daring equilibrium that responds to life consistently and unconditionally.

    Like love, the pituitary is subtle, but essential, the wizard behind the curtain, and without it, one would literally be dead.

  • Brandy Mc

    This reminds me of a conversation I recently had with my 9 year old
    nephew. He insisted that the heart is the most important organ in the body
    because it “pumps the blood everywhere” and wanted my opinion —I proceeded to make a case for
    other organs…

    In any case… In response to this question, I will have to go with the liver
    (and not just because I have had recent problems with my gallbladder and feel
    it needs extra recognition). :)

    If true love is unconditional, the liver personifies this better than any
    other organ…

    Much like a true love, it is forgiving. Indeed the liver
    can tolerate a LOT of our quirks, nonsense, and indulgence and can keep on
    supporting us unconditionally in everything we do. If that is not true love,
    I don’t know what is. :)

    Just as true love has the capacity to mend, nurture and rejuvenate our lives,
    the liver is the organ that is capable of regenerating.

    In a smilar way that love adds value to our lives, the liver is there to produce,
    maintain, filter, process and rebuild. If loyalty is a quality to value in the love of another,
    the liver proves this endlessly with its many functions, and really asks very little
    of us in return.

    Just as those who love us most want to shelter us from harm and add happiness to our lives,
    the liver dutifully takes on the task of filtering harmful substances and maintaining balance
    in our body.

    With all that the liver does for us, we can all be so fortunate to have such
    a love in our lives. Indeed, For all of these reasons (and certainly more),
    I feel that the liver deserves this recognition.

    I am proud to say that I heart the liver!

  • Alejandra Enriquez

    The Pancreas of course!!! The ROMANCE of the abdomen is the pancreas because it lies in the arms of duedenum!
    Well first of all it looks like an L (sorta)! The beginning of L O V E. It is a dual function gland, or should i say DUO functioning ;)
    It is a storage depot for digestive enzymes, meaning that injury to the pancreas is potentially very dangerous. How romantic is that! Enzymes speed up the process of love ;) and pancreas store it and injury to the pancreas is deadlyy just like loveee.
    And of course the obvious, it regulates glucose levels within the blood! All that sweet sweet love has to regulated <3 So lets make the Pancreas the new Valentine’s organ and pour some sugar on meee!

  • Marc Fernandez

    The lungs should replace the heart because when you finally meet that special person you kinda forget how to breathe. And every day you seem they take your breathe away. Whether they are wearing a beautiful new dress or their pajamas, you just get so lost in them and get the wind knocked out of you. The lungs work with your respiratory system to allow you to take in fresh air. Thank you lungs for expanding in order to involuntarily breathe whenever I see my love. :) Not only do you fill me up with air, you also fill me up with love! And the opportunity to continue to spend more time with my love! <3

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