Felt Club's A-Comin'!

The holiday season is fast approaching, and for us, that means stuffing our car full of guts and heading off to crafty fun retail shows. We heart these shows because it's fun to meet people, and see all the incredible creativity on display from other vendors. Felt Club is one of our fave events, and this year should be bigger, better and wackier than ever -- check out the list of vendors if you don't believe me. I spy handcrafted knit tacos, jewelry made from legos, eco-friendly bath goo, gem sweater princess Leslie Hall, adorable plush carrots from Planet Tokki, and so much more! Just two more weekends away on Sunday, Nov. 16. If you're in the L.A. area, please drop by so we can meet you in person and enjoy getting holiday gifts made by local craft nerds. So much better than the mall.

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