Creative Fundraising

Do you need help with fundraising for your not-for-profit health organization? Let I Heart Guts help your not-for-profit in one of many ways! 1. Get Guts for Your Raffle or Event: Guts make fun and fabulous raffle items -- we are happy to extend wholesale prices (46% off) for these events.  2. Have a Famous Person Sign a Gut and Auction it Off. Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs did this with our colon and Gloria Steinem once signed one of our uteruses. Great way to turn a $20 plush toy into $200 for your fundraising event! 3. Sell Guts to Raise Money for Your Non-Profit. Buy our eye-catching gutsy goodies at wholesale prices, resell them and keep the profit for your non-profit. You can also get I Heart Guts buttons and magnets over at Badge Bomb -- if you're looking to buy over $100 of stuff, you will qualify for wholesale prices with them. 

Send us your inquiries via our contact form. Also, please make sure to reach out at least 3 weeks before your deadline!

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  • Mindy Stites

    Hello. As an elementary school nurse, I absolutely love your products and how they can engage children in learning about their bodies. Do you ever provide any opportunity for schools to receive donations or giveaways? I would love to have some of your stuffed organs (haha!) in my school health room, but as you can imagine, the budget for our school is too tight. Would appreciate any info on upcoming contests or ways to apply for donations if you have any. Thank you!
    Mindy Stites RN

  • Katie lord

    Good Afternoon,

    I’m Katie Lord BSN, RN and I’m the Stroke Coordinator for a community hospital in Chicago, Illinois. May is national Stroke Month and I was writing to inquire if you have a philanthropy department. I am looking for sponsors to help our nurses, physicians, and ancillary staff celebrate Stroke Awareness Month. I came across your website and thought I’d ask if you would be able to help us. Thank you for your time.

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