Sneak Preview

i-love-guts-printed-by-jakprintsI've been taxing my poor printer by forcing it to churn out our little What Do Guts Do? poster, so I'm excited to tell you (and my LaserJet 2605dn) that we're printing it professionally so it'll be bigger and better! We're expecting these giant 18 x 24 posters any day now and were pleased to get a sneak preview from the Jakprints blog. Apparently the poster made the folks over there newly appreciate the pancreas and all it does to regulate your sugar levels. My friend's six year old helped me go over the artwork, and he understood most of it (he is not only very bright, but has been looking at our guts ever since he was a baby), i.e. why the kidneys are in the bathtub, why the bladder is watering the plants, why the spleen is beating up germs, why the lung is playing the trumpet, etc. Only when he got home, he gave us a call and wanted to know why the uterus was riding a bicycle. We expect these any day now, so check back soon!

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  • Amanda Emery

    I am a school nurse and would love to know where I can purchase this poster. It is so cute and I think my students would get a kick out of this poster.

    Thank you
    Amanda Emery

  • Pollyanna

    Your creativity never ceases to amaze. Wow!

  • I heart guts, too! « bright green eyeliner

    […] — in addition to coveting the pins and plushies, I want this poster, too. Maybe it would be a fun gift for my godson. Or maybe I need it for myself. Something to […]

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